Signature Vibration

Miranda Skye Bullock
2 min readJun 5, 2023
Photo by Meagan Carsience on Unsplash

The Law of Vibration is a concept that unveils the profound truth that everything in this universe is in constant motion, pulsating with a unique frequency.

Each person, place, thought, and thing vibrates with its individual rhythm.

While this vibrational energy remains unseen by our naked eye, many claim they can feel and sense its presence. Have you ever walked into a space and immediately felt a surge of positive or negative vibes?

That, my friends, is the essence of vibrational energy at play.

Some argue that a person’s vibration can be raised or lowered, suggesting that we have the power to shift and alter our energetic state. On the other hand, there are those who believe that each of us possesses a unique vibration from birth — a sacred signature that makes us who we are.

Regardless of whether our vibration can be consciously changed or not, we can cultivate awareness and attunement to our personal frequency. By doing so, we gain insight into what our vibration draws toward us and what it strives to repel. It’s a dance between our energy and the universe.

Think of it this way: your vibration acts as a magnet, tirelessly working to pull what is meant for you closer, while simultaneously blocking what doesn’t align with your higher self. It’s a cosmic sorting mechanism, guiding you towards your destined path and shielding you from detours that could hinder your growth.

Yet, sometimes we find ourselves obstructing this natural flow. Our insecurities may whisper doubt into our ears, causing us to resist what our vibrations attract. We might clutch onto situations or relationships that our energetic compass is trying to shield us from. It’s a delicate balance, my friends, between surrendering to the vibrations meant for us and allowing our fears to create unnecessary roadblocks.

Awareness is the key. By tuning into our personal vibration, we unlock the power to discern the whispers of our souls and make choices in alignment with our higher purpose. We can shed insecurity and embrace the gifts that our vibrations bring forth.

Remember, the universe speaks through vibrations, and it is up to us to listen. Embrace the dance of energy within you and allow it to guide you toward the experiences, connections, and abundance that resonate with your authentic self.


Your Trusted Friend



Miranda Skye Bullock

She’s multifaceted. Holding indeterminable possibilities within her grasp. Look again. She’s brand new. Always, Your Trusted Friend ❤